- lengths
- <01> длина/вложенная нить в наборе
Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
lengths — To do everything possible (sometimes more than is ethical) to achieve a purpose ● length … Useful english dictionary
lengths — leŋθ n. distance from end to end; period of time; extensiveness; section, piece (of fabric, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
Great Lengths — INTERNATIONAL, Srl[1] Rechtsform GmbH (Italien) Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
go to great lengths — ● length * * * go to great/extreme/any/etc lengths phrase to try in a very determined or unreasonable way to achieve something They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. The lengt … Useful english dictionary
go to extreme lengths — go to great/extreme/any/etc lengths phrase to try in a very determined or unreasonable way to achieve something They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. The lengths that some people will go to (=the extreme things they will do) … Useful english dictionary
go to any lengths to do something — go to any lengths (to do something) go to great lengths (to do something) to try very hard to achieve something. Some men will go to any lengths (= try any method) to disguise the fact that they re going bald … New idioms dictionary
go to any lengths — (to do something) go to great lengths (to do something) to try very hard to achieve something. Some men will go to any lengths (= try any method) to disguise the fact that they re going bald … New idioms dictionary
go to great lengths to do something — go to great lengths to (do something) to try very hard to achieve a result. This champion marathon runner is going to great lengths to help needy children. Both sides have gone to great lengths to emphasize areas of similarity in their proposals … New idioms dictionary
go to great lengths to — (do something) to try very hard to achieve a result. This champion marathon runner is going to great lengths to help needy children. Both sides have gone to great lengths to emphasize areas of similarity in their proposals. Related vocabulary:… … New idioms dictionary
go to any lengths — go to great/extreme/any/etc lengths phrase to try in a very determined or unreasonable way to achieve something They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. The lengths that some people will go to (=the extreme things they will do) … Useful english dictionary
go to great lengths/ go to any lengths — do whatever is necessary, never give up Cynthia will go to any lengths to find a dress designed by Voz … English idioms